Company law

Collective agreements

Conventions and collective agreements are reference texts used in the world of work. Discover who are the persons concerned, what is the content of these texts, and where to find them to consult.

collective agreements

Who apply?
All employees of a company linked to a convention or collective agreement benefit from its advantages.

What are the benefits?
It is written agreements between trade unions and employers organizations dealing with the duties applicable to the employees. They are concluded at the level of the undertaking, of the establishment, the group or the relevant professional branch and apply on the national or local level.

Collective agreements contain in principle of the provisions more favorable than the common law on the conditions of work and employment as well as social guarantees (additional holidays, various bonuses). The employee will always benefit from the most favorable provision, whether contained in the employment contract or in the agreement or collective agreement.

The employer has the obligation, when hiring, deliver to the employee a notice on relevant agreements or conventions. Collective agreements must be included in the salary slip.

Where to consult them?
When one or more agreements or conventions apply to a company, the employer must notify staff by posting a notice on this subject in the workplace. A copy of the agreement is made available to employees who may consult it on their working time.

The Business Committee, staff delegates and stewards also have a copy.

Finally, the most important conventions are published in the Official Journal.

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