
What is the definition of remission?

It is important to define the concept of remission and its consequences for the accused.


Remission is the power of the court to reduce the sorrow of condemned for the offenses and crimes. Thus, the courts will have to take into account a certain number of points in order to come to a conclusion about the sorrow of the defendant taking into account his implication and his revelations to justice.

Then, it is wise to note that the remission can occur before or during or even after the commission of the offense. In other words, the offender must provide information that can be to stop the offense or apprehend the perpetrators or accomplices.

When it will be proven that condemned actually collaborated with the authorities, justice will be able to reduce half its sorrow. If he were condemned to perpetuity, his sorrow could be reduced to 20 years.

Tips and warnings
Caution the offender is not entitled to such an extent that if the court finds that it was in good faith with the authorities and that his information was vital in the search for truth.