You just make a purchase. For this purpose, the seller has made a commercial guarantee.
However, there are some precautions to be able to call the guarantee in case of need. This article reveals all the tricks on commercial guarantee.
First of all, you should know that the term commercial guarantee and contractual guarantee gather the same concept. Moreover, such a guarantee is only valid if it is the subject of writing. In other words, a verbal contractual guarantee has no legal significance.
Then a commercial guarantee delimits with precision the warranties offered to the consumer. Thus, it can be to repair certain parts, to support the cost of returning the item or even its replacement.
Finally, a contractual guarantee implies the respect of the procedure to follow in the event of breakdown of the aforesaid article. Indeed, each seller will opt for a particular procedure, specific deadlines and a territorial demarcation.. Thus, non respect of one of these previous rules will direct result the lapse of your contractual guarantee.