A first meeting with a lawyer gives you the opportunity to expose the fundamental issues surrounding your case. During this first meeting, we also recommend speaking logistical problems such as the costs and delays.
To get the most out of your first meeting, think about specific questions you want to cover and write before you talk to a lawyer for the first time. Thus, it will be easier to stay on task and avoid costly follow-up calls.
- Discuss billing and payment issues. Before you begin to discuss the details of your case, ask the lawyer described his use of the time, fresh and billing policies. In addition, do not forget to ask questions on his methods in initial consultations. While some lawyers offer free meetings or to the proportion for the potential customers, others charge their fee at the first meeting.
- Ask your lawyer about his skills. When you speak to a lawyer for the first time, ask him how much time, it treated in practical cases and to check that it is authorized in your case. Also ask the lawyer if he did face of any investigation or disciplinary action.
- To assess the level of experience of the lawyer, ask him how many cases, handled that were similar to yours.
- Check that will work on your case. Often, the lawyers are overloaded of work, it will be able to thus delegate work to the para-lawyers and to other staff members. If other people will be in charge of important parts of your case, ask about their skills and take note of their names.
- Explain the desired result. Be direct and explain that you would like to see as an ideal outcome for your case. It is recommended also to ask the lawyer to describe the strengths and weaknesses of your case.
- Prepare a detailed plan of information which the lawyer needs. If an event such as an accident or a criminal charge, note the details of the event. Put in as many dates and times as you can. Include those who were present with the contact information for each of them if you have. It is essential that you write everything in chronological order, so your lawyer can see the entire image just as it happened.
- Stick to what is relevant to what you have to do. It will help your case and your image. It is a business meeting and you will gain much more respect from your lawyer if you treat it well.
- Be honest with your lawyer. Do not try to make you look better. Your lawyer is paid to be at your side. If you color the history a bit here or there or leave out the details, you will harm your case.
- Speak intelligent sentences in your actual vocabulary. if you really do not control it, returns to you only ridiculous. Avoid swear and use excessive slang. Do not whine and blame.
- Bring all that paperwork or information to your lawyer. It will not be able to proceed with your case, without these things.
- Never miss an appointment without good reason and notice as much as possible. Some lawyers will charge you for missed appointment without sufficient notice.
- Learn about the costs involved in your defense. Make sure that you understand what you will be charged. Find out the costs of the consultations. Usually, you can talk to staff about the costs and funding arrangements.
- Make reasonable requests on the progress of your case, but don’t abuse. Call every day appears as rude and demanding. Asking once a week for an update is sufficient. If the Office staff can give you the information, not to insist on the oral expression with lawyer.