What is estate planning? Estate planning is “all the preparation tasks that serve to manage all the property of the person in the event of their incapacitation or death, including the bequest of assets to heirs and the settlement of estate taxes. Most succession plans are in place with the help of an experienced real estate lawyer”.
It is important that estate planning be started as soon as a basis of measurable assets. If there was no proper plan before the death of an individual, it can cause financial burdens for loved ones who are left behind. Inheritance tax can go to over 40%. It is therefore important that a will must be in place if the taxable estate involved is not large.
Many polls show that over 95% of Americans believe in God or some form of higher power. However, there are only a few succession plans that focus on aspects of religion and philosophy.
Unfortunately, most wills and succession plans are standardized forms that focus on tax savings or property division. But in estate planning, it is almost always personal issues that create more pain for families. Those wishing to estate planning must insist that succession planning must be tailored to meet their personal and family situation. Religious beliefs of the family should be addressed.
There were many family dramas that have been avoided if only proper estate planning has been done in advance. There were some fist fights at funerals among members of the family, on which religious customs must be respected. Some families of couples struggle faiths cemetery on what they should be buried in. Perhaps, if you have made arrangements to be buried in a non-sectarian cemetery advance hostility between families would have been avoided.
The first step in estate planning, when planning on behalf of beliefs religious consideration, would be to consult your spiritual advisor – a priest, pastor, rabbi, imam, etc. .. Discuss religious options available to you and what they believe may be the best for your family while going through the process. A letter of instruction to the last statement should be written for your family and loved ones and religious issues should be addressed in your words, not with the legal formalities. It should indicate any religious faith or faiths, or lack thereof, that have been raised and the faith that you are currently the profession.
It should also indicate your religious affiliations and general religious desires. Indicate the type of desired type of grieving process to observe and whose religious customs, if any, should govern funeral.
You may not be able to control what will happen when the time comes, but expressing your wishes will serve as an important guide for your family and loved ones. Make sure that if religious issues are important to you, your family should be made aware of them.
Religious beliefs are very important to every living will. Even if you are not religious, there may have religious implications because your dear families and friends can all have religious beliefs that may conflict with your health wishes, or they may not be sure about your religious beliefs. Therefore, you should inform your family if you do or you do not want to end your religious beliefs based on your life under certain conditions.
People with strong religious beliefs should specifically religious concerns to avoid having compromised religious beliefs when they are unable to express their beliefs. In this way, family members or others with your health care will not push their own religious beliefs (or lack of beliefs) about you.
Estate planning should not be limited to just the legality and tax issues. People, who do this, do it for the family and friends who are left behind. It is therefore important to consider all religious beliefs (or lack thereof) in all decisions. Mourning for a missing is difficult as it is the case; why not make it easier for your family to go through the process?