Family law

How to file a handrail?

You are the subject of harassment from your spouse. Your spouse has left the marital home voluntarily. Here are some facts that should be recorded for possible legal action. To this end, it will be useful to know how to make a handrail to provide a shred of evidence.


The law allows you to file a handrail according to two processes which are as follows:

  • Either to the nearest police station to your domicile.
  • Either at the level of the nearest police force of your domicile. So, police force will record your statements in a register held with this effect.

Secondly, it is important to note that when you submit your handrail you should be as specific as possible in your words. In fact, your statements must accurately identify the facts raised, the date, the circumstances, the identity of the author and any supporting documentation.

Finally, it is judicious to note the record number of your handrail in order to be able to be useful to you about it at the time of a later action. This can be a civil action (divorce or custody) or a criminal action (harassment, fraud).