It is not a simple process. Unlike a divorced person who wishes to change his name you will notice that it is not a simple matter. When an adult makes that decision the state must ensure that he is not doing it because he want to avoid credit problems, he has a history of criminal acts, or want a new name to commit fraudulent acts.
That’s why you should file a petition with the Court of Common Pleas (Court of Common Pleas) in the county where the person resides. Furthermore, you should publish a notice notifying the change of name, certifying that there are no judgments or claims against, and give your fingerprints to determine if you have a criminal record. The persons who have committed major crimes cannot change his name within two years of which his judgment ends. Others who have committed crimes such as murder, sex crimes, arson, robbery and serious assaults can not change their name.
A minor name change
Change the name of a minor is simple, as long as their biological parents agree. On the contrary, the Court is reluctant to do so when fear that the parent’s request only due to personal interests. In some cases the name change is guaranteed by the Court, as for example when one of the parents of the minor has committed a notorious crime in the community and the child is suffers harassment because he takes the same last name.
Even after the name change, it is easy to make changes in the ID, driver’s license; bank account, credit card and social security, there are others that can not be changed without a legal document that authorizes it. These documents are: previous school reports, military records, passports and birth certificates.