Did you know that a person does not have to be legally inebriated to be arrested for driving while intoxicated? Or that if you get a traffic ticket and there is a mistake in it, is it still valid?
Not knowing the law in different legal situations of daily life can result in unexpected expenses, substantial penalties or other very unfavorable situations.
For that a similar situation does not come as a surprise is important to know the laws and know how they work. For this, here we mention some important points to…
Do not be taken unawares
Myth 1: A person must have exceeded the limit of alcohol allowed by law to submit charges of driving while intoxicated (DUI).
Reality: In most states it is illegal to drive a motor vehicle if affected by alcohol or drugs. Many people reach this point even before they reach the limit, which could cause you a DUI fine.
Myth 2: A written contract can never be revoked.
Reality: Currently, the parties to the contract may retract in different ways. For example, if a contract was not well written, a court may declare it void. On the other hand, a contract may be considered without obligation to comply when the terms are clearly unfair to any party. Contracts may also contain specific conditions under which the agreement can or will be canceled.
Myth 3: If the police do not read their rights a person while being arrested, are not charged with a crime.
Reality: It is assumed that the police must notify a person being arrested on his right to remain silent or the representation of a lawyer. But if it does not meet this requirement will not drop the charges to the person.
Myth 4: If a person is driving a vehicle without driving license and is injured in an accident, can not claim damages if the accident was not your fault.
Reality: Regardless of a person licensed or unlicensed drive, this will not affect their right to compensation for damages if the other driver was at fault for the accident.
Myth 5: The insurance does not cover your car if someone other than your spouse or other family member is driving your vehicle.
Reality: Almost all insurance policies covering the vehicle owner in these circumstances. Talk to your insurance company to see if your policy covers this provision and, if not, ask to include it.