Cyber law

How to protect your business from cybercrime

How long was it now? We’re almost 20 years since the launching of the World Wide Web. The buzz about how it revolutionizes the way businessmen do their business is real. We have seen how technology allowed people with no physical store launch e-businesses by simply using websites as a storefront.

protect business from cybercrime

It has also changed the way we exchange information, talk to employees, advertise for jobs and sell service or merchandise to clients. It opened doors to resources around the globe and have become an essential part of business success that few can afford NOT to be on the internet.

Sadly, the internet is more than changing how people work; it also allowed criminals to commit an innovate type of crime, aptly called cybercrime. This wave of criminals view the internet as a tool they can utilize to launch regular cyber-attacks, including worms, viruses, phishing, spam and identity theft, causing the web presence that allow businesses to flourish to be a place where they become vulnerable to these attacks.

If you become a victim of cybercrime, it could damage your business beyond the cost of repairs, it can also cost your customers. One survey by Tabulus Inc. showed that 82% of respondents would warn their friends not to work with businesses that have been victims of a security issue. The same amount of respondents also said that companies that never experienced a security breach are “more trustworthy”.

While protecting your business from cyber criminals can look like a difficult task and one reserved for expert web users, there are some simple solutions you can apply to lessen the likelihood that your business will become the next victim.

Be in control of the entire business ecosystem. It’s no rocket science. As a business owner, you have to ensure that everything in your business is running smoothly in a systematic manner. You can accomplish this by utilizing a data insolvency software that will help your whole business work efficiently and effectively while protecting its online integrity.

Install and update security software regularly. Your computers should come equipped with anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-phishing and intrusion software to keep out malicious programs and people from prying into important company data. The security allows data backup and restoration ability in case you lose them for whatever reason.

Never open unknown emails, visit malicious websites or click suspicious attachments or links. If you are even slightly unsure about a link or attachment, you should not open it; it’s not worth the risk to the customers and your business.

Create strong passwords. Your passwords should always be at least eight characters long and must include both numbers and letters. Do not use the same password for different accounts. Changing passwords regularly is also a good exercise. Never share passwords or write them down where people could see/access them.

Educate your employees. One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a business owner is to keep your employees from learning new technology or educating them about the basic understanding of cyber security. Hold regular sessions for your staff so that they become familiar with internet security measures they can apply.